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What is boondocking?

Boondocking is when your are out in the middle of nowhere without any hookups (water, sewer, or electricity). It is also referred to as dry camping when you are not so far out in the boonies.

Are you worried about safety while boondocking?

We have not been afraid or encountered a dangerous situation while boondocking. Of course we take safety measures such as not leaving expensive items around and paying attention to our surroundings. We would leave if we ever felt uncomfortable in our surroundings.


The most challenging part of boondocking is learning to regulate your water and electricity usage. The first time we boondocked, we were so nervous. But it gets easier every time. We have several tips on water conservation in our blog Boondocking Made Easy with Water Saving Tips.

learn to unplug

If you are nervous about boondocking, unplug your electric and water from the pedestal at a campground and see how you do. That way, if you use too much of either, you can hook up again. It is a great way to practice.

What are the advantages to boondocking?

We really love to get away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. For us, it is a chance to unplug and relax. Once you get away from the noise and lights of the city you will find the stars are brighter, the birds sing a bit louder. It is just so quiet and peaceful. And the views! I could talk about the views for days!.

It is also a great way to save money. You can find many free boondocking locations which is a great way to balance out the more expensive stays such as Disney’s Fort Wilderness.

We have several videos about boondocking if you need more help. Check out our playlist or some of the videos below.

Boondocking Made Easy

Bondoockng Water Saving Tips

Full Time vs Part Time RV’ing


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